Opening Hours:
Mon - Thurs: 9.00am-5.00pm
Sat: 9.00am-1.00pm (Private Patients Only)
Lunch - 1.00pm-2.00pm
Fri: 8:45am-5.00pm
Composite Bonding
This lady was really bothered by her front teeth and would never show her teeth when smiling. She never had treatment of these teeth because she presumed it would involve drilling of her teeth like for porcelain veneers/crowns and that it would be super expensive.
When Dr Khan told her at her consultation that she could give her back her smile with nominal smoothing of teeth and for a much less price than veneers/crowns she couldn’t believe what she was hearing!
The procedure involved getting a mock up made so she could see what the end result would look like. We then used this template to build the teeth up and colour matched the teeth with the composite material we were going to use. 2 hours later what you see is the result of “composite bonding” and a super happy patient!